
Laurie Miller Modern Art Resume Rain Paintings - Interiors Pen & Ink Drawings Expressionism 13th Series - Rain Paintings 12th Series - Rain Paintings 11th Series Rain Paintings 10th Series Rain Paintings 9th Series Rain Paintings 8th Series - Rain Paintings 7th Series - Rain Paintings 6th Series - Rain Paintings 5th Series - Rain Paintings 4th Series Rain Paintings 3rd Series-Rain Paintings 2nd Series- Rain Paintings 1st Series-Rain Paintings Feather Series Abstract Expressionism Expressionism Surrealism & Expressionism Rain Barrel Painting


Girl Behind the Curtain - Acrylic - 2.5"x3.5" $225.00

Hat & Coat - Acrylic - 3.5"x2.5" - $40.00

Rose with Hand - Acrylic - 3.5"x2.5" - $40.00

Reflections - Acrylic - 2.5"x3.5" - $20.00

Stormy Seas - Acrylic - 3"x3" - $20.00

A Romantic Adventure - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil- 5"x4" - $50.00

Blue Spider - Acrylic - 3.5"x2.5" - $40.00

SOLD -Head with Eye - Acrylic - 3"x3" - $20

Green Hills - Acrylic - 2.5"x3.5" - $40.00

Yellow Wind - Acrylic - 3"x3" - $20.00

Gun Control - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil, 5" x 4", $125.00

SOLD - Bluebirds of Love - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil, 4" x 5", $50.00

Red Dress - Acrylic - 3.5"x2.5" - $20.00

A Geometric Landscape - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil, 5" x 4", $50.00