
Laurie Miller Modern Art Resume Rain Paintings - Interiors Pen & Ink Drawings Expressionism 13th Series - Rain Paintings 12th Series - Rain Paintings 11th Series Rain Paintings 10th Series Rain Paintings 9th Series Rain Paintings 8th Series - Rain Paintings 7th Series - Rain Paintings 6th Series - Rain Paintings 5th Series - Rain Paintings 4th Series Rain Paintings 3rd Series-Rain Paintings 2nd Series- Rain Paintings 1st Series-Rain Paintings Feather Series Abstract Expressionism Expressionism Surrealism & Expressionism Rain Barrel Painting


Covid- 19 - 17" x 14" Watercolor- $150.00

'Beautiful Ocean Tide Pools' Rain Painting - Acrylic - "40 x 30" - $700.00

Blue Sun/Orange - Acrylic - 48"x 33" - $500.00

'Storm' - (Framed -$400 frame and mat) - Watercolor - 35"x 50" - $750.00

Hot Spring - 48" x 33" Acrylic $400.00 

The Power of the Hurricane - "9 x 12" 
Oil Painting - $125.00 

Infinity (Framed) - 38" x 50" - $750.00