Modern Expressionism

Laurie Miller Modern Art Resume Rain Paintings - Interiors Pen & Ink Drawings Expressionism 14th Series - Rain Paintings 13th Series - Rain Paintings 12th Series - Rain Paintings 11th Series Rain Paintings 10th Series Rain Paintings 9th Series Rain Paintings 8th Series - Rain Paintings 7th Series - Rain Paintings 6th Series - Rain Paintings 5th Series - Rain Paintings 4th Series Rain Paintings 3rd Series-Rain Paintings 2nd Series- Rain Paintings 1st Series-Rain Paintings Feather Series Abstract Expressionism Expressionism Surrealism & Expressionism Rain Barrel Painting

Modern Expressionism-Expressionism depicts a persons inner soul and feelings rather than painting in a realistic representation of an image.

Body and Head - Acrylic Painting- 35"x24" - $750.00

Door to Strangeness - Acrylic - 22"x20" - $325.00

Four Flowers - Acrylic - 28"x24" - $325.00

Saving Hope - Acrylic - 22"x20" - $375.00

Mountain People - Acrylic - 4.5"x7" - $75.00

Men in Hats - 5" x 4" - Color Pencil - $40.00

Elephants & the Alien Cat - Framed - 25"x 30" - $750

Crawling - Acrylic - 17"x20" - $325.00

Girl Holding an Egg - Acrylic - 22"x20" - $375.00

Chair & Vase - Acrylic - 15"x15" - $225.00

Man and Guitar Vase - Oil Pastel - 28" x 20" $350.00