
Laurie Miller Modern Art Resume Rain Paintings - Interiors Pen & Ink Drawings Expressionism 14th Series - Rain Paintings 13th Series - Rain Paintings 12th Series - Rain Paintings 11th Series Rain Paintings 10th Series Rain Paintings 9th Series Rain Paintings 8th Series - Rain Paintings 7th Series - Rain Paintings 6th Series - Rain Paintings 5th Series - Rain Paintings 4th Series Rain Paintings 3rd Series-Rain Paintings 2nd Series- Rain Paintings 1st Series-Rain Paintings Feather Series Abstract Expressionism Expressionism Surrealism & Expressionism Rain Barrel Painting

Pen and Ink Drawings

 Unique Pen & Ink Drawings

'Peaceful River Scene' - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil - 20" x 16: - $750.00 Framed

Fish with Mask - Pen & Ink - 5.5" x 8.5" - $350.00

"All In!" Ravtaurs - Pen & Ink - $175.00

SOLD - Ravtaur watering a sprout - Pen & Ink - 5.5" x 8.5" - $250.00

Ravtaur Popping a Balloon - Pen & Ink - $150.00

Ravtaur Drinking - Pen & Ink - $175.00

Ravtaur's Car is Stuck and a Tick is Attacking - Pen & Ink - $250.00

Ravtaur Farted - Pen & Ink - $150.00

Ravtaur Drawing the Moon - Pen & Ink - $150.00

Ravtaur "In Love" with a Dodo Bird - Pen & Ink - $350.00

Is the Ravtaur with a ponytail bluffing about pouring salt into the boy Ravtaur's scrape? - $250.00

Fairy cutting boy Ravtaur's Booger which has special powers - $250.00

Girl Ravtaur is walking a fowl & an armadillo - $175.00

Did the Bad Dog heist lady Ravtaur's purse? - $200.00

'An Eagle Listening to a Crabby Ravtaur' - $175.00

'A Romantic Scene, lol' - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil - $175.00

On Our Way! - $350.00

'Happy Holidays' from the Ravtaurs - 5.5" x 8.5" - $350.00

Mt. Baker - Pen & Ink & Color Pencil - 3.5" x 5 " - $150.00